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Judge Beth W. Cappelli
Judge Andrew J. Hunt
Melissa A. Litteral, Clerk of Court
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Jury Duty
A jury is defined as a body of citizens sworn to give a true verdict according to the evidence presented in a court of law.  By serving on a jury, a citizen preserves the constitutional right of fellow citizens to a fair trial by jury.  Fairborn Municipal Court appreciates the time and effort which a juror expends as part of this process.

Jurors are selected randomly from the voter registration list provided by the Greene County Board of Elections.  Once randomly selected, a jury summons is mailed to the potential juror accompanied by a questionnaire.  Questionnaires are to be returned to the Fairborn Municipal Court within seven days of receipt.  Two dates of service are listed on the summons.  Jury trials are always on Wednesdays.  Potential jurors should call (937)-754-3040 option 2 the evening prior to each summoned date and listen to the recorded message to determine if they are to report as a juror the following day.

An individual may be excused for jury duty for the following reasons:
  • The individual is 75 years of age or older
  • The individual is  a convicted felon without restored voting rights
  • The individual no longer resides in the City of Fairborn, the City of Beavercreek, Bath Township or Beavercreek Township
  • The individual  will incur extreme financial hardship
  • The individual is a member of a cloistered religious organization or an active member of a recognized Amish sect
  • The individual’s spouse or near relative has recently died or is dangerously ill
If any of these reasons apply, the prospective juror shall make a note of it on his/her jury questionnaire  If the prospective juror asks to be excused based on undue or extreme physical or financial hardship, or due to a mental or physical condition, the individual shall provide documentation in support of the request, including from a physician.  The jury commissioner will notify the individual of the Judge’s decision when an exemption is requested.

An employer is required by law to allow for time off  work to serve as a juror.  Proof of jury service will be supplied

Parking is available at the front of the building.  The Fairborn Municipal Court is handicap accessible.
Court Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Court Address
1148 Kauffman Ave.
Fairborn, OH 45324
Contact Information
Phone: (937) 754-3040
Fax: (937) 879-4422

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